Designers, Model Agency Owners, Discount Shop/Project Owners or Event Owners can Advertise on AVI FASHION.

AVI FASHION Group - If you are a professional in one of the above-mentioned fields you can promote your business posting notices in our group letting our members know about your work. Contact Mimosa Devin or Carla Monigal for Rules/Apps and info.
               *please only contact Mimosa as Carla is away in rl for a limited period of time.

AVI FASHION Blog - In order to participate in AVI FASHION Blog you need to be a member of AVI FASHION Inworld Group and include one of the above-mentioned professional fields.
Your store slurl and blog will be added to our blog for Free. You can still promote your business in our blog:
- You can post in AVI FASHION blog and promote your work.
- You can permanently Add your business Logo in AVI FASHION blog and being seen by our visitants Everyday!
Contact Mimosa Devin for info on how to post and add your Logo in AVI FASHION blog.